Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Baby Recipes

Entree: One Pot Christmas Dinner - A simple and quick recipe making use of the Christmas foods. 8 months+

Ingredients Needed:

1 cup of cubed Roast Beef, Mutton (Lamb) or Turkey - uncooked
(using cooked is fine as well)
1/2 cup peeled and cubed winter squash
1/2 cup peeled and cubed white potato
1/2 cup peeled and cubed sweet potato
1/2 cup peas or green beans
1 small handful of fresh or frozen cranberries


Combine all ingredients in a medium sized sauce pan
Add 2 cups of water
Bring to a gentle boil and then turn heat to low
Simmer on low for 20 minutes or until turkey is no longer pink and veggies may be easily pierced with a fork.

Transfer cooked One Pot Christmas Dinner to a large mixing bowl and mash or chop as needed. Process in a Blender or Food Processor if needed for babies who do not like lumps and textures.

This will freeze nicely if pureed

On Christmas Day, you may also take a piece of cooked roast beef, mutton or turkey and combine it with the veggies being served to create Baby's Christmas Dinner.

Dessert: Baby's Sweet Potato Apple Pie 6 months+
Mix in some sweet potatoes and applesauce with oatmeal or rice cereal. Mix in yogurt for babies over 8 months.

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